Saturday, September 11, 2010


Originally posted August 6th 2010:

If there is such a thing as heaven, I hope it’s customizable. That probably sounds pretty fickle, maybe even a little morbid. I know that death isn’t like a game of The Sims, and I’d be pretty grateful to not just rot in the ground for eternity, but If there is such a thing as heaven and therefor angels, I hope they all look like Cate Blanchett, Liv Tyler, (if you're seeing the Lord of The Rings motif...shut up…) and a young Julie Andrews. And I hope they are allowed to use bad language. As much as I entertain the fact that heaven should be a place of peace and calm and perfection, I think I’d like my angels to have a little character.


Originally posted July 30th 2010:

My iPod touch that I got from my folks at the holidays is broken. After playing 1 song on any given playlist, even just under ‘Songs’, it resets to the home screen. I restored it to it’s original settings, played around with every possible setting, and read about a million Apple/Yahoo! Answers/Tech forums to no avail. This is the 3rd iPod I’ve had to replace/upgrade (aka ask for for Christmas/birthdays), and no matter how much iTunes/iPod drives me crazy sometimes, I can’t live without it. No matter how much I complain about apple, I will not give Zune the light of day…I love Microsoft (I just bought a new Dell Inspiron Laptop w/ Windows 7), but after years and years of iPod I just couldn’t ever bring myself to make the switch, call me prejudiced. Anyway, I called customer service a few minutes ago and I am (thankfully!) still under the 1 year limited warranty which means I get a free new iPod in 4-5 business days w/ free shipping both ways by UPS! I’m so relieved…I thought I was screwed since I didn’t buy the warranty. In retrospect, it seems like a good idea to get it now -________-


Originally posted June 11th 2010:

I’ve been watching a lot of reality TV lately, primarily because it’s summer and I actually have time to sit on my ass and waste time. I’m not really sure what the appeal is, especially since reality TV is not really “reality” at all, but it’s like a train wreck–you can’t look away. There’s an unlimited supply of bimbos with boob jobs, celebrities seeking “love” and Jersey anything…a gold mine of shows that require absolutely no thinking at all to watch. My personal favorite: The Real Housewives. For one hour a week I can plug myself into the lives of these women who’s most difficult decisions are about what plastic surgeries they should get next. It’s quite an amusing escape. (Anyone been watching The Real Housewives of New Jersey? Ridiculous…..) Unfortunately, watching someone live their life is easier than actually doing it for yourself. Eventually you have to face your own challenges. For me–college and everything that is included. The reality is that right now the choices I’m making are going to be reflected on the rest of my life. It’s intimidating. I used to want a career in business but then I fell asleep watching The Apprentice. I question myself constantly–am I making the right choices? When it comes down to it you have to turn off the TV and face your own reality, you’ve got to leave some dreams behind, cut your loses and step out into that great unscripted void–and it’s nothing like you see on TV.